Donate to provide essential health care to unhoused members of our community

We rely on grants and donations from individuals and organizations to continue providing much-needed care and expand our program. Every dollar you give helps us care for adults and children experiencing homelessness.

How you can help

  • Testing Equipment
    $25 provides equipment and supplies for someone with an acute or chronic condition, preventing the need for a hospitalization.
  • $50 equips an unhoused person with a backpack filled with clean clothes, a sleeping mat and a personal hygiene kit.
  • $100 covers lifesaving medications for more than a dozen people.
  • $500 pays for a homeless family to receive medical checkups and ensures that they’re connected with housing, employment, nutrition and dental services.
  • $1,000 brings a psychiatrist into the community to treat 10 individuals who have mental health conditions.

Looking toward the future of street medicine

Since we established the UCLA Health Homeless Healthcare Collaborative in 2022, our team has made great strides, but there’s much more to be done. While focusing on the immediate needs of unhoused people in our community, we’re always looking ahead. 

With your help, we plan to: 

  • Expand our footprint: We continue to go where we’re needed. Through collaborations with community partners, our team hears of new areas in need. We plan to expand our fleet of mobile clinics and extend our services to areas of high need. 
  • Offer additional specialty services: In addition to pediatric care and psychiatric services, our team is adding additional specialty services including addiction medicine, sports medicine, dermatology, cardiology and podiatry.
  • Increase our care coordination services: We’re adding team members to provide comprehensive care management for our patients. These services will improve engagement and help get people connected to housing and other services they need.

Give now

Join us as we make a difference in the lives of adults and children experiencing homelessness.